The Caspian Seal Research and Rehabilitation Center won a grant

The Caspian Seal Research and Rehabilitation Center won a grant from the NAO “Center for Support of Civic Initiatives” to conduct research to study the Caspian seal habitat by determining harmful chemicals in the Caspian Sea.
Specialists of the Center will take monthly water and soil samples on the coastal zone of the Caspian Sea to determine heavy metals and organic pollutants in environmental objects and in samples of Caspian seals (hair, vibrissae).
Also, a series of expeditions will be organized to seal haul-out sites, where environmental samples will be taken, and veterinary assistance will be provided in case of detection of sick, injured animals.
As part of the grant research, a survey of local residents, fishermen, students, and schoolchildren will be conducted to raise awareness about the life of the Caspian seal and the decline in its population