Central Asian Institute for Environmental Research
History of Central Asian Institute of Environmental Research
Establishment of Central Asian Institute of Environmental Research
Opening of own certified analytical laboratory with state-of-the-art equipment and instrumentation
A mobile laboratory was established. A program for a comprehensive study of the Caspian seal population until 2019 is developed
First International Caspian Sea Expedition with specialists from Canada and France
Kazakhstan's first Caspian Seal Research and Rehabilitation Center established
Caspian seal included in the Red Book of Kazakhstan
Institute awarded Silver Certificate in Green Building Rating System
History of Central Asian Institute of Environmental Research
The Institute has joined the UN Global Compact
The largest environmental monitoring laboratory in Central Asia
Management of Central Asian Institute of Environmental Research
Асель Имангалиевна Тасмагамбетова
Основатель ЦАИЭИ. Эколог, общественный деятель
Организатор серии международных экспедиций
в популяции каспийского тюленя Великобритании. Эти данные стали поводом для включения животного в 2020 году
в Красную книгу Казахстана
Адылхан Дадебаевич Товасаров
Генеральный директор
Кандидат химических наук, академик МАНЭБ.
Владеет особым и тактическим управлением, экономическим предприятием др.

Aselle Imangaliyevna Tasmagambetova
CAIER founder, environmentalist, social activist
Environmental safety and rational natural resources management are crucial issues for any state, irrespective of location.

The desire to understand complex ecosystems and their impact on our world is what the Central Asian Institute of Environmental Researh, founded in 2012, puts at the heart of its work. Being one of the leaders in scientific research devoted to ecology, biodiversity, and conservation of marine fauna, we are proud of our achievements and steadily strive for new scientific heights.
A core element of our success is a high-tech laboratory using state-of-the-art equipment and edge-cutting technologies. It allows our specialists to conduct precise in-depth research, bringing valuable findings.

Since its foundation, the organization has been operating following the global international standards, consolidated within the UN SDGs, sustainable development goals, and ESG.

The Central Asian Institute of Environmental Research signed its support and commitment to the United Nations Global Compact's 10 Principles for Businesses initiative. We pursue to enact the UN Global Compact values and principles as a part of our organization's strategy, culture, and daily activities and to engage in collaborative projects fostering the United Nations goals, including sustainable development. Joining the UN Global Compact demonstrates our adherence to human rights, environment, social justice, and anti-corruption support. These values, we believe, are essential to building a more just and sustainable world.

Thank you for being interested in our work. Together we can do more to preserve nature and create a sustainable future.

Aselle Tasmagambetova
Founder of the Central Asian Institute of Environmental Research
Adylkhan Dadebayevich Tovasarov
General Director
Over the past decade, our organization has transformed into one of the leading research centers in Kazakhstan.

Our unique laboratory, with its advanced high-tech equipment, allows us to carry out innovative projects in the field of ecology. We are the authors of several patented developments, including methods of water purification and the production of construction materials using oil-contaminated soils. A big step in our growth is joining the United Nations Global Compact initiative, meeting our intention to address environmental safety and social responsibility issues. Over ten years, we have implemented several significant green projects, including one on preserving the population of the Caspian seal.

We keep reaching new heights and introducing the world's best practices within sustainable development and responsible business standards.

Adylkhan Tovasarov

General Director of the Central Asian Institute of Environmental Research
Cooperation with the Central Asian Institute for Environmental Research